The State of Politics Today


Being nonpartisan I find little entertainment in observing the slow degradation of politicians in general. The majority of the citizens go on in cyclic patterns thinking that one party has their best interests in mind over the other when we are just really focused on battling each other while both sides feeling we are taking the higher road meanwhile the great lifeless government machine slowly moves forward unchanged.

I wonder what else could we expect to possibly come from this group of polished moral degenerates we call politicians? These species of modern day greed apes de-evolved of any sort of empathy who are constantly pushing for more power, more wars and funding a military industrial complex that kills innocent people world wide in the name of freedom from dictatorships or some other bullshit trigger ideals, when really they are making illegal atrocious power grabs at worldly resources with the goal of world domination- all at the cost of countless innocent lives.

Think to yourself what kind of world will be be left with comporting ourselves in this way? Eventually these vampires of all that is worthy in this world will come home to look for what else they can take and conquer once they have taken all else, and they will look at you and I to see how much they can possibly take from us. We will not be given any higher status as far as worth of life value than they gave to those they are killing now. Once they turn on us and take everything they can, they will turn on each other because that is the nature of the beast. So I myself do not trust a government that so freely takes the lives of those abroad for the sake of greed and power, do not trust that they will suddenly find value in life and not look at us any differently.

So when I see some politically charged divisive partisan post I don't doubt the depravity of morals that has to be involved with these politicians - on either side of the aisle, I just have to wonder how soon it will be on a Steemit based pay per view platform on my brand new artificial, detached from true experience virtual reality world so I can marvel at how real it all looks.

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