Powers-that-be are moving us towards World War 3

Remember what I wrote in my prior blog:

To better understand the concept of a power vacuum, observe the chaotic mess of tribal and religious power struggles that threatens to drag Russia and the U.S.A. into WW3. That void in the power vacuum was created when after the (Project for a New American Century (PNAC) aka) Neocon’s 9/11 false-flag and lie (c.f. also 1, 2) about weapons-of-mass-destruction (WMD) in Iraq, they destabilized and wrecked the Middle East by destroying Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, before which had been powerful and ruthless enough to maintain a stalemate and buffer zone between the major affected nations of Syria, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Obama and HELLary Clinton opened a floodgate of immigrants from Africa into Europe by assassinating Qaddafi. France’s leadership also wanted to stop Libya’s plan for a gold-backed currency. Ironically after he was wrongly accused (c.f. also), Saddam Hussein’s admonishments and warnings were fulfilled as the judge who sentenced him was later executed by ISIS.

So the Neocons wrecked the Middle East in a proxy war with Russia over oil and gas pipelines. And they’re attempting to wreck China and North Korea to reduce Asian energy independence w.r.t. coal (the real reason for Trump’s steel tariffs). Trump’s RocketMan and Make America Great Again theatrics are yet another form of propaganda fooling us.

Armstrong wrote in Russia & the Panic:

The immediate crash in Russia was caused by investors in Moscow dumping Russian shares and the ruble following the announcement that the West wanted to confiscate Russian assets abroad. The ruble depreciated by nearly 3% against the dollar. The United States imposed sanctions on Russia for interference in the 2016 US presidential campaign [even though the CIA interferes with elections in every nation on earth]

This is clearly leading to a confrontation for the West desperately needs a war to divert attention from the failure of social program promises.

The Russian government will retaliate against the tightened US sanctions. Clearly, the actions of the Congress are unjustified and intended to provoke a confrontation. We are on the path to war and every opportunity to further that goal is clearly being taken by the USA, UK, and the EU.

Armstrong wrote in The Coming Pi Target – Will it Bring World War III?:

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Putin invaded Syria precisely on the day of your model back in 2015.75. You have stated at the WEC that the upcoming Pi turning point on November 21, 2018, is most often political in nature. You scheduled this year’s WEC for the week before. Trump just called Assad an animal. Even 911 took place of Pi target to the day and Greece applied to the IMF for a bailout again precisely on that Pi Target. Do you think that this turning point will be a war starting in Syria?

ANSWER: Unfortunately, the nagging fact that Putin invaded Syria precisely on the day of the ECM 2015.75 leaves one with a feeling of a stone in the stomach. All of this investigation that Russia interfered with the US elections set in motion by Hillary has convinced so many of her followers that Russia is the Arch Enemy as if in some comic book. This has created the proposition in the mind of the mindless that Russia is some sort of great evil that should be eradicated from the face of the earth. That mindset, no matter how wrong and distorted, is the basic requirement to support a war. Hillary has been one vindictive and evil person and her running around the world to blame Russia for her failed election has done so much to undermine world peace I do not know where to even begin. She has created the image that Russia is evil and that is all the military needs to justify playing with their weapons to attack Russia.


This entire confrontation with Russia has been orchestrated by the military aided by Hillary. I have warned that the mere fact that Russia invaded Syria precisely on the day of the ECM was a warning call to all of us to wake up and smell the roses before the lid of the coffin is closed. The entire Refugee Crisis began just weeks into this ECM wave when Merkel stood up with open arms to divert her negative press for refusing to forgive any debt with Greece.

The ECM Turning Point 2015.75 has been a major profound event. This means that the likelihood of the coming Pi target on November 21st, 2018 has a higher potential to be linked (1) to the Middle East, and (2) to Russia.

The answer, unfortunately, is yes.

Armstrong is naive if he thinks Trump isn’t also playing his role in creating World War 3. Government is inherently a power vacuum paradigm which means theft, war, and massacres.

Who out there is not asleep?

Raise your hand if you hate the leader of North Korea? Raise your hand if you hate Russians? Raise your hand if you hate Americans? Raise your hand if you hate Muslims? Raise your hand if you hate Christians? Raise your hand if you hate atheists? Raise your hand if you hate conservatives? Raise your hand if you hate liberals? Raise your hand if you hate white men? Raise your hand if you hate …

The Russia Poison Story is WMD 2.0

An Open Letter to Olivia Solon

The powers-that-be are manipulating us into supporting war. They want war as the outlet for angst when the socialism and indebtedness they foisted on us comes to its bitter bankrupt end soon.

Deep State Lies

Nelson Hultberg
April 7, 2018

Liberals and neoconservatives form the foundation of the Deep State. They have given us the hideous bureaucratization of America. Theirs is a system structured upon egregious fabrications and fantasies, promoted by amoral politicians, and sustained by the fake news media. Millions of Americans, thus, live in a tyrannical Matrix believing they are free and their government justly governing.


“Perpetual war for perpetual peace” was the satirical phrasing used by George Orwell in his futuristic novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, to describe Big Brother’s exhortations to the proles of Oceania. This absurdity has now come true.

The most dangerous arm of today’s Deep State is the Pentagon-CIA-NSA complex. The reason it is so dangerous is because it must continually find enemies in the world to protect us from in order to justify its gargantuan budget every year. If there are no enemies that we need protection from, it must then seek to create them by lies and distortions so as to continue feeding its prestige and power.

In addition to this mandatory seeking of enemies, war is the perfect way to enslave a people domestically. Rights and liberties can be nullified in the face of an outside threat. Citizens who would object to oppressive taxes and regulations in peacetime will patriotically endure them in wartime. So “perpetual war” (or threat thereof) is the great need of the Deep State to bring a passive citizenry into acceptance of Washington’s usurpations.

Consequently, the Pentagon-CIA-NSA complex is automatically driven to spin lies, especially about Russia being an ominous threat to America today. In this way, it can strike enough fear into the voters so that they will continue to allow hundreds of billions of dollars every year to be siphoned from their earnings.


President Trump swept into office like a gale force for change from the idiocies of the past 30 years of rule by liberals and neocons. He has brought about numerous major accomplishments.


But there are three major mistakes so far in Trump’s first year in office, and they threaten to upset his hope for a genuine purging of the Deep State swamp.


Trump’s second mistake has been his apparent capitulation to the neoconservatives on foreign policy and how Russia is to be treated. His instincts at first were spot on, when he said during the campaign, “Wouldn’t it be nice to get along with Putin and Russia for a change?”

Nelson Hultberg is naive if he thinks Putin and every other major leader isn’t complicit in the theatrics bringing us into World War 3.

The problem is that we give too much coercive power to governments. I explained this power vacuum paradigm in my prior blog.

Humanity’s only hope is to come out of the lie of democracy and choose decentralization technology. Stop giving governments our consent for them to govern. Just walk away and say no to all of those bastards.

Something is rotten in the Denver airport

EDIT 4 days later: Trump is potentially starting WW3 based on our own allies (the rebels) who did the gas attack to gain our support as they were about to be defeated in Syria:


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