Europe's New Feminism


120 decibels is the volume that has a pocket alarm, now carried by many women. 120 decibels is the name of our movement, which sounds the alarm against immigrant violence.

The daughters of Europe in their declaratory video, formed a feminist movement called 120 decibels in order to protest against Europe's politicians for allowing massive immigration, which according to statistics, occupy a large part of the crimes in several countries, the most frequent being the violation of women -and sometimes children-. A member of the group explains in video how other feminists belonging to the #metoo movement call "racist" to anyone who denounces the violations of immigrants, but again, and how they say on their website, you just have to see the statistics. The group also clarifies that they do not believe that these crimes are driven by any biological component connected to the race, but to the Muslim majority culture from which they come, in which they treat women as second class citizens.

"If your women commit the infamous action, call four witnesses, if their testimonies are against them, lock them in the house until death takes them or until God provides them with some means of salvation." (Quran 4:19)

The Immigrant Crime


One might think that, with the statistics presented, the European governments would have done something quite some time ago, but the statistics cited above are filtered things, since it is forbidden in Sweden to specify the race or nationality of a suspect or criminal -just as in Germany-. Another of the things that immigrants of arab origin do is to declare themselves as underage to receive greater benefits from the State and avoid being deported even though they are clearly adults.

The left desperately tries to defend them, and unfortunately it is the ideology prevailing in Europe, as it corresponds to satisfy the current generations of young people, from which cultural marxism and globalization are taken advantage of; the hatred of tradition. They are made countermarches when protesting against immigrant abuse or the recent battles that England has made to the activist who denounced this type of abuse, the police are demonized as happened recently in Spain, because the mantero was scared when he saw the police nearby, and he had a heart attack.

The Re-Reconquest

It may sound quite alarmist, but seeing the agenda of the supposed multiculturalism that conscious people of any other culture and color than the white one, and listening to what the Arabs themselves have shouted, Muslim patrols claiming to tell residents how to dress and act, together with the no-go zones that are being created in different countries of Europe 1, 2, 3 places that the police are afraid to enter and where the Muslim gangs rule, it is not unreasonable to think that they are taking or an invasion.

"Combat against those, from those who received the Book, who do not believein Allah or in the Last Day, do not make unlawful what Allah and His messenger have done wrong and do not follow the true practice of Worship, until they pay the yizia with submission and agreeing to be below. "(Quran 9:29)

No, I am not going to condemn the whole Muslim religion, because it has many ideological branches -which even fight among themselves- what I do want to make clear is that we are giving up our culture and values ​​based on a sense of illogical guilt; to the European as a criminal for having had slaves in the past -when he was not the only one who had them-, for having colonized or assimilated lands -which Muslims also did earlier-. We can not give our ass while they hit us in the head. Hatred towards Europe is illogical, and the only thing that ends is in men being ashamed of being white and having a penis, condemning their masculinity and the increasing divorces, none of this is true feminism, it is turning man into a pusillanimous, is to allow the chaos that entails putting people with incompatible cultures in more civilized countries, when the majority are not refugees

There is no reason to be ashamed of.

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