Documentary: Lawfare Against Nixon and Trump

By Neenah Payne

Many Americans believe there’s more to the story than the corporate media and government have told us about the JFK assassination, the 9/11 attack, and the January 6 events. However, rarely is the other side of the story so thoroughly documented as in the resignation of President Richard Nixon. That’s due to one man: Geoff Shepard.

Nixon felt forced to resign 50 years ago on August 8, 1974 because of the Watergate scandal. The documentary, Broadway play, books, videos, and interview below reveal a side of this story few Americans know that explains how and why Nixon was unfairly accused and forced out of office.

Author Geoff Shepard discusses the lawfare surrounding the case which has been hidden for decades. The roles of Judge John Sirica and the “Deep Throat” whistleblower were central to the misconduct.

Also pivotal was the coverup by Nixon’s lawyer John Dean. John Dean, Watergate’s golden boy, is back in the spotlight 50 years later:

Fifty years after the Watergate break-in, Dean is the star of “Watergate: Blueprint for a Scandal,” a new CNN special on the conspiracy and corruption that took down Richard M. Nixon’s presidency. For Dean, the timing is fortuitous: The four-part series comes as the House prepares to begin public hearings on the Jan. 6 insurrection, which he plans to watch closely. The lesson is unmistakable: Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Equally shocking are the real roles of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, the Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative The Washington Post reporters who broke the story. Their June 1974 book All The President’s Men has been called “the greatest reporting story of all time”. The book was made into a movie starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman and was nominated for 8 Academy Awards.

The role of Senator Ted Kennedy is discussed in Geoff Shepard’s book The Secret Plot To Make Ted Kennedy President: Inside the Real Watergate Conspiracy.

The Watergate Scandal: A Timeline

Shepard discusses parallels with the lawfare waged against former President Trump.

Commentary: Lawfare Didn’t Begin with Trump

Waging lawfare against Trump will not end well for Democrats

Documentary: Watergate Secrets and Betrayals

Rusfus Edmisten, Deputy Chief Counsel, Senate Watergate Committee describes Watergate as “one of the defining moments in American history”.

Judge Andrew Napolitano points out, “History needs to know how the system failed. It didn’t just fail Richard Nixon. It failed the Constitution and the American public. If they can do this to the President, they can do it to anybody.” He adds that if this information had been known 50 years ago, Nixon would have served his full second term as President.

Watergate Secrets and Betrayals


Broadway Play About Nixon’s Impeachment

Trial on the Potomac: The Impeachment of President Nixon

Geoff was a technical consultant for a stage play by George Bugatti, which opened for a five-week off-Broadway production on August 4, 2021, staring Rich Little as President Nixon. It was performed at St. Clement’s Theatre, 46th Street (between Ninth and Tenth), in mid-town Manhattan, until closing on September 4.

The plot had President Nixon choosing to stand trial in the Senate, rather than resigning in the face of certain impeachment by the House. We already know how such a trial might have been conducted from the Clinton and Trump experiences, but the drama comes from disclosure of the wrongdoing by prosecutors and judges, as documented in my writings, which comes out during the trial. As such, the play asks: if everything we know today–about how Nixon was improperly driven from office–had been known back then, could Nixon’s opponents have mustered the necessary sixty-seven votes to remove him?

The audience of “Senators” was given ballots to cast on their way out – with the verdict from each performance posted on the website,, along with documents labeled Supporting Evidence and links to each paper mentioned during the play itself. Interestingly, in only one of the twenty-nine performances was there sufficient “Guilty” votes to remove Nixon from office.

Watergate Revisited: An Insider’s View

Geoff taught “Watergate Revisited: An Insider’s View” a course at Temple University in 2019 that consisted of 12 hour-long lectures with 30 minutes of Q&A.

Geoff Shepard: New Proof Watergate Was A Deep State Coup

The Truth About Watergate Told by Someone Who Was Actually There: Geoff Shepard 8/8/24

Fifty years to the day after Richard Nixon’s resignation, newly-unearthed documents show Watergate was a scam from start to finish. Geoff Shepard saw it happen. The parallels to what’s currently happening to Trump are remarkable. Former Nixon White House staffer Geoff Shepard has uncovered new evidence that Watergate was a deep state coup, and they are using the same playbook on Trump.

Geoff Shepard’s Books on Watergate

Geoff came to Washington, DC in 1969 as a White House Fellow, after graduating from Whittier College and Harvard Law School. The youngest lawyer on President Nixon’s White House staff, he served on the Domestic Council for five years, rising to associate director. He also worked as deputy counsel on Nixon’s Watergate defense team.

He has spent much of his career researching Watergate issues and is today the foremost authority on behind-the-scenes developments, both at the White House and the Watergate Special Prosecution Force, as the scandal unfolded.

He has written three books, given dozens of lectures and written dozens of essays. As detailed below, he was technical consultant to an off-Broadway stage play in 2021 (“Trial on the Potomac”), did a series of podcasts with Hugh Hewitt in 2020 (“Known Unknowns: Watergate”), and taught an adult education course at Temple University in 2019 (Watergate Revisited: An Insider’s View”).

His most recent project is a documentary, “Watergate Secrets and Betrayals, Orchestrating Nixon’s Demise,”….will be released on August 8, 2024, the 50th Anniversary of President Nixon’s resignation.

Geoff has written three Watergate books, the most recent being published this fall.

Learn more on his website at

Book I: The Secret Plot

The Secret Plot to Make Ted Kennedy President, published by in 2008, explores the political forces behind the exploitation of the Watergate scandal to realign political power following Nixon’s landslide 1972 re-election. Drawing on internal documents from the National Archives, the book details how the crimes of Watergate had been solved well before any special prosecutor was appointed, and how Kennedy Democrats wrenched control of the case from career prosecutors.

They delayed the pending indictments, and launched new investigations designed:

  • To destroy the Nixon presidency
  • To cripple the Republican campaign fund raising apparatus
  • To investigate Senator Kennedy’s potential opponents in his expected 1976 run for the presidency.
The book also shows how the Kennedy hijack of the Watergate scandal pioneered the politics of personal destruction -- and details how American politics are still being practiced and influenced by those who developed their techniques on staffs of the Watergate Special Prosecution Force, the Ervin Committee, and the House Judiciary Impeachment Inquiry.

The book turns a lot of conventional wisdom regarding Watergate on its head. Lots of supposed Watergate heroes do not fare well, including Senator Ted Kennedy, John Dean, Bob Woodward, and a young lawyer named Hillary Rodham [Clinton].

Book II. The Real Watergate Scandal, Collusion, Conspiracy and the Plot that brought Nixon Down

“The system worked,” Carl Bernstein’s famous assessment of Watergate, turns out to be completely wrong. Powerful new evidence reveals that in the most consequential scandal in American history, virtually nothing worked as intended. The real Watergate scandal is how our Constitution and Bill of Rights were deliberately trashed in the successful effort to realign political power, drive President Nixon from office, and imprison his senior aides.

Working from internal documents he recently uncovered at the National Archives, Shepard exposes judicial and prosecutorial misconduct that has remained hidden for four decades. Secret meetings, secret memos, and secret collusion culminated in false accusations leveled against our thirty-seventh President by the Watergate Special Prosecutor. Shepard also reveals abuses that taint the convictions of Nixon’s top aides: John Ehrlichman, H. R. Haldeman, and John Mitchell.

This book will challenge everything you think you know about the Watergate scandal.

Book III: The Nixon Conspiracy

The Nixon Conspiracy: Watergate and the Plot to Remove the President

Amazon Description:

Geoff Shepard’s shocking exposé of corrupt collusion between prosecutors, judges, and congressional staff to void Nixon’s 1972 landslide reelection.

Their success changed the course of American history.

Geoff Shepard had a ringside seat to the unfolding Watergate debacle. As the youngest lawyer on Richard Nixon’s staff, he personally transcribed the Oval Office tape in which Nixon appeared to authorize getting the CIA to interfere with the ongoing FBI investigation, and even coined the phrase “the smoking gun.” Like many others, the idealistic Shepard was deeply disappointed in the president. But as time went on, the meticulous lawyer was nagged by the persistent sense that something wasn’t right with the case against Nixon.

The Nixon Conspiracy is a detailed and definitive account of the Watergate prosecutors’ internal documents uncovered after years of painstaking research in previously sealed archives. Shepard reveals the untold story of how a flawed but honorable president was needlessly brought down by a corrupt, deep state, big media alliance—a circumstance that looks all too familiar today.

In this hard-hitting exposé, Shepard reveals the real smoking gun: the prosecutors’ secret, but erroneous, “Road Map” which caused grand jurors to name Nixon a co-conspirator in the Watergate cover-up and the House Judiciary Committee to adopt its primary Article of Impeachment.

Shepard’s startling conclusion is that Nixon didn’t actually have to resign. The proof of his good faith is right there on the tapes. Instead, he should have taken his case to a Senate impeachment trial—where, if everything we know now had come out—he would easily have won.

His most recent project is a documentary, “Watergate Secrets and Betrayals, Orchestrating Nixon’s Demise,”….which will be released on August 8, 2024, the 50th Anniversary of President Nixon’s resignation.

Book by James Rosen: The Strong Man: John Mitchell and the Secrets of Watergate

Nixon and Kissinger Opened China

China’s Amazing Global Role For 2,000 Years explains:

The Opening of China: President Nixon’s visit to China in 1972 with Henry Kissinger allowed the world to view images of China for the first time in over two decades. The move proved to be a geopolitical game changer – ending nearly 25 years of non-communication. The “Week that Changed the World” culminated in the announcement of the joint US-China Communiqué in Shanghai.

What If Richard Nixon Had Never Gone to China?

For More Information

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Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

Top image: Tennessee Star

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