100% Exposed - Wikileaks is an Israeli and CIA Psy Op

Have you ever wondered why, after years of searching through Wikileaks cable dumps, there has never been anything profound in regard to the illegally usurping Zionist caliphate of Israel? The country which has committed more war crimes than any other nation in the world since its inception into the world. Well, It's my attempts to show you why!

Does Wikileaks work in the interests of transparency or the state of Israel? Decide for yourself, check out this short video;

The whole thing is a sham. Without going into 9/11, here's some basic, common sense questions that nobody ever asks:

1.) Assuming these documents/cables have all been "leaked" electronically, have any of them ever been authenticated? How could you possibly know that out of many thousands of documents, none of them are fake? Does only Wikileaks provide a stamp of authenticity?
2.) Building from my 1st point, why is it that politicians never deny Wikileaks info? They'll deny everything else, but never the cables.
3.) Why are leaks like this only ever centralized at a Wikileaks server? Who made the rule that government espionage must occur through a Wikileaks channel?
4.) How is the espionage even possible? They conveniently leave thousands of high-level diplomatic cables on a military server for a soldier to download? Does that make sense?

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