New offending paganism


Historical fact is what all monotheistic religions did to long time period before them . Twisting evidences , using the same sacred places with energy from earth , hiding names and letting the time did the rest . Almost everything is hidden , before new religions , official history is forgery ; patriarchy was spiritus movens for this collective goal . Polytheism and paganism become synonyms for hell . Situation is the same until nowadays , the most scholars , with huge knowledge , don't have the key for understanding ancient times .

New wave of misunderstanding is present today . New offending is coming from all monotheistic religions , and it is not surprise . After listening catholic experts , islamic mulahs , jewish rabies , I listen to the same wrong story . According to them , modern western world becomes pagan , because LGTB phenomenon is supported by governments . Who has hard words for paganism , same sex marriages , pedophilia , only members of monotheistic communities . And again , paganism is the hell on earth . But , scholars from these religions never talk about their tolerance to pedophilia today , praxis in male homo-sexsualism , child marriage etc ; they don't have idea about codification before monotheistic religions . Polytheism had strict rules for nations ; high morality , brotherhood and friendship were basic values .

Manipulation for simple minds , with pure education and great fear , how the most of believers live today , is high up to the sky now . And the worst part is how do scholars miss ultimate goal in modern world , making NWO around the globe . Each person without primary identity is vulnerable , helpless , left alone to the state terror . Transgenders could be treated like the corner stones for depopulation , and total slavery in xxl century .

So , once again , paganism is the problem , finger is pointed . Without real knowledge , education for all , hate will rule the world until the end of time . Like the person who studied ancient times , I don't belong here , my place is somewhere else .

author : Maja Jovanovic
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