An unexpected twist

"December 31st 2032" I typed at my typewriter,

"That was the year I finally broke." I wrote and cried out, throwing my typewriter in the trash can. I was only imagining that I did. "The year that changed everything."

What I really like about life is that you get a second chance.

"It's not about the number of years you live, it's how you live them."

I continued to type on my old blue portable typewriter.

"What really matters is not the what you do, but the choices you make."

I never thought this quote could be my destiny but it just turned out to be. Here I am today not only alive but successful at that.

All the years I spent just going through life without seeing anything happen just makes me realize how much I am lucky to live in this beautiful planet Earth.


"To know that you've lived, you just need to be here, right now."

He finished the page and removed it from the typewriter, holding it up to the light.

"Amen." She said standing in the doorway, "This will be a good way to start the new year, just remember to always be thankful for everything you have and everyone that has helped you along the way."

I love everybody because of how unique they are and that I am a lucky person to have them. My publisher always supported my science fiction stories.

"Is that it?" she asked softly?

She would always keep firm deadlines. My final page has to be in before midnight.

I look at the clock and it's 11 minutes to midnight. One last page in the envelope and then a stamp before handing it over.

"Happy New Year, Dr. Laughlin." I said.

I would walk outside and watch as the year 2032 turned into the year 2033.

As I sit here now I think about all the people that have affected me along the way. My parents, my ex-wife, my publisher, my agents, my friend, all the teachers, and more. So this story is for all these people that did so much to make this year possible. It's my way of thanking all of you.

"Was this book hard for you to finish? Especially after the last one."

"No." I said, "It was wonderful and life changing. I wouldn't change it for the world."

"If everyone was like you then the world would be a pretty happy place to live in."

We both looked out of the window at the moon.


"I like it when the moon is bright. It makes me feel calm, like things are okay."

"Yeah, I always feel a little calmer when it is dark out, especially when the stars are out." she said.

I looked closely, "You know, I can't see the stars here."

"I know, but it's nice for us to just be up here together."

"That's true." I said, "I don't ever want to go back to living in a big city again.

"What if there is some danger out there? Do your phones even work?" Dr. Laughlin asked.

"Listen, once I get out of the city for a while I am going to feel so much more centered and refreshed. And maybe I will come up with an even better idea for my next book. I think this one might be a hit though." I confidently asserted.

"You'll want to come back and get back to things. I know you will."

"I don't want to go back to anything. I would rather live in this fantasy."

"Well let's hope I'm right."

"Thanks Dr. Laughlin." I said.

She looked down at my typewriter "This is one of the reasons I actually wanted you to leave this place behind. I don't want to see another typewriter like this."

"Dr. Laughlin you are so nice to me. You are the only person that is willing to help me like this."

"I would never do anything you didn't ask me to."

She kissed me, and I just couldn't say anything. I couldn't tell her that I love her because it might stop her from kissing me. I couldn't say I love you to her because it might start a fight. And I couldn't say I love you to myself. Because then I would end up losing her.

Nothing else mattered for that moment, because for once everything was perfect.

I almost didn't want to leave, and I wanted to stay with her. But my open eyes found hers looking into mine and as our lips kissed our eyes knew this moment was retreating faster than it had arrived.

"There is no better place on earth than a mountain lake, especially one that has no water in it. My life is a beautiful fairy tale. A fantasy that I wish would never end."

"And that is why you are an amazing author. And I am going to publish your book. Now get out of here, I will let myself out."


And then she was gone, and I was alone at my desk.

I walked across the lake a little while later, and my feet found the shore. I took my shoes off, then my shirt, and then stepped into the cool, and quiet water.

It felt so good to finally be relaxed again. And being away from everyone made the world seem so far away. In my life I don't think there has ever been a person as important to me as Dr. Laughlin.

As I swam around the lake a smile came across my face. I began to smile at the irony. This entire world is an illusion.

We all go through our own illusion, but the truth is that there is no one here. We live in our own worlds, our own realities. That's all we really have, until one day our hearts can't take it anymore.

Sometimes I worry that there is no life after death. I fear that when we die there will be nothing. There is just living and then dying.

I know that isn't true. Every time I try to forget, there she is.

As I watched the clouds float by, I wondered if this would be my last day on earth. Then I knew I couldn't worry about that right now.

I just had to enjoy the time I had left.


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