A VERY Effective Way to Protest Abusive COVID-19 Regulations


If you are being harassed about new Health Act policies in Canada, this is an effective way to protest the presence of the agents of the state.

After you are done with the litigation of your person(s) by the crown, just simply stand in front of the agents vehicle.

You are now protesting, they can not make you move unless you are disturbing the peace, and they can not leave without you moving.

Politely remind the officer, agent or solicitor, if its a private person, of the following statement. I am sure they repeated this slave queue punch line, even outside of Canada in other languages.

"We are all in this together."

Smile and make sure you do not make any aggressive actions or appear to disturb the peace, They can not touch you, they can not move you, just repeat the same things they told you until a higher authority gets involved.

The purpose is irrelevant to you, or the person you are protesting in front of. Do not let their private opinions misguided you, your protest is pointless until a higher authority arrives on site and takes down notes of what happened and issues you a citation.

You have an infinite amount if time and can order pizza, or a variety of dishes from common delivery services like Uber Eats or Skip the Dishes.

Do not leave for any reason until you have been provided with a case number and tell them you need to see their supervisor if they are not willing to make a citation. You are protesting and "we are all in this together", the citation will be hard evidence of damages you incurred during the pandemic.

Should a time ever arrise we can litigate against frivolous violations of our human rights that occurred under the health act of 2020, you will be grateful to have these evidences of your personal involved in protests with real world data in the system to back up your claims.

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