The people should realize that they are the owners of power so they must carry out their obligations to correct the government. Thus, a leader (who happens to be an enemy and traitor to the people) will never be able to lead the people. #BookReview #IslamicPoliticalThoughts

Separation Between People and State, and the Obligation to Correct the Government (Part 1/2)


Author: Sheikh Abdul Qadim Zallum

Muslimah News, BOOK REVIEW — It is undeniable that currently the people are completely separated from their state and government. Likewise, the relationship between the people and the leader is similar to the relationship between two separate and different parties, not like citizens and their country.

Furthermore, this relationship is often full of hatred, conflict, and opposition, and there is no attempt to approach one another, either for the interests of the present or to anticipate conditions in the future. This causes the existence of the people to be weak. This is because without the protection of the state, the structure of the people becomes weak.

On the other hand, a state without the support of its people will also become weak. As a result, the enemy only needs a little effort to be able to eliminate the state, and make the state dependent on assistance from the enemies of the people.

The separation of the people and the state naturally occurred when the infidel countries colonized and directly ruled the Muslim countries during the British (Western) colonialism. Currently, British colonialism has officially ended and the government of the Muslim countries is carried out by the Muslims themselves. Thus, there is actually no longer any reason to separate the people and the state.

The relationship between the people and the state should change into a relationship between citizens and their guardians, and the realization of complete unification between the people and their protectors. However, the reality shows that this separation still exists and continues to this day. The leaders are still considered a separate group separate from their people. The two parties are still at odds with each other.

The people still consider the state (government) as their enemy, as they used to view the colonial government. In fact, it is not uncommon for them to feel that they have been wronged by the government more than the wrong they received from the colonialists. Meanwhile, the government views the people as a group of rebels who want to overthrow its power and as enemies of the state.

Therefore, the government devises a ploy to silence the people, while the people plan a plot to overthrow the government. This causes the people in a country to have no hope of being able to move forward, even just one step, towards glory and peace. This also causes the government to be busy concentrating on saving its seat of power, even though to do so they have to ask for support and assistance from foreign countries, even from the enemies of the people.

This conflict also causes the government to make no effort to improve the lives of the people, except under the guise of hypocrisy. The government actually uses all kinds of ways to keep the people in the pit of stagnation and in a weak state. Thus, they remain under the control of the state.

This situation occurs due to the attitude of the people who ignore their obligation to correct the government. The people also lack awareness that they are the owners of power. The people should realize that they are the owners of power. The people must also carry out their obligation to correct the government. Thus, a leader (who happens to be an enemy and traitor to the people) will never be able to lead the people.

Likewise, there will be no separation between the people and the state that causes the people to be in a weak, divided, and backward condition. The people will also not be under the influence of the henchmen of the infidels, even though in reality the ruler is a Muslim ruler.

Therefore, in order for the people to become one with their country and have the same position as their government, the people must always correct government policies, convey the truth, and strive hard and be determined to change the government's situation. If the people do not try to do so, there is no doubt that the lives of the people will become increasingly depressed as we are experiencing now, then reach their destruction. [MNews/RY-YG]

Source: Sheikh Abdul Qadim Zallum, Islamic Political Thought, Efforts to Ground Politics as the Mainstream of the Movement

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