What is happening in Russia? Current political situation | Communication in the comments

I want to apologize in advance for my English. This is partly a system translation / my first experience of writing articles in English.

Hello, readers. My post is devoted to events in Russia mainly for the years 2018-2019, and to this day.

We rarely learn about events inside a foreign country because of the language barrier / different media field. As a resident of this country and an active participant in political life, who naturally sees the reaction of foreigners to our country, I would like to share with you what is really happening here. For me, this is, let's say, a small experiment. All the photos in the post were taken by me.

July 27, 2019 - Moscow city Hall

I want to start with a small fact: Every 4th Russian is either a current or former representative of the law enforcement agencies. The recent "summer protests" have shown us this fact live.

June 12, 2019 - Rally for Ivan Golunov

July 14, 2019 - Election Commission (Dispersal of the crowd that wanted to sit until the end)

It is important to understand that the Russian opposition does not use violence against law enforcement officers. This is related to the history of our country.

At the moment, only 1/3 of Russians want to see Putin as President for the 4th term - Levada center (in fact, the 5th, if you take into account Medvedev, who just took the place)

Putin, as a politician, fulfilled an extremely small percentage of promises. All his success is luck, which he used only to enrich his environment. That's why they don't like him so much.

The "summer protests" did not start from scratch. This was an attempt to somehow push people from the people to the authorities to stop corruption and make it all public.

September 29, 2019-Rally in support of prisoners of the "Moscow case"

The Constitution does not work fully in our country. We give priority, first of all, to the law, although we are a democratic country and have signed the "Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms". As a result, the opposition makes money by filing complaints with the European court of human rights, which obliges Russia to pay compensation to victims of our laws that violate the Constitution. Payments are made in euros and the amounts are quite large, relative to local prices.

Due to the fact that this is commonplace for me, it is difficult for me to highlight some points that you would be interested in. Please ask questions in the comments. I'll answer them right away

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