Doomsday Clock - How to Save the World in 2018

Doomsday Clock was something that I was previously only mildly aware of, but the more that I learn about it, the more that I'm worried about the current state of things. I knew, of course, that in general, the world is in a bad place right now, but never in my wildest dreams did dare imagine it was just as bad as it was in the Cold War. After all, it was called the 'Cold War' for a reason.

Yet here we are.

Two minutes until midnight, the same place that we were in during the Cold War, and honestly, not enough people care. Scientists are basically telling us that we are ever so close to the end of our existence, and all it gets is a few online articles and some YouTubers talking about it. The fact of the matter is, this should be on the top of everyone's minds right now. There isn't an able minded person on this planet that shouldn't be thinking of some sort of solutions to the problem. Thusly, I made this video, of which is a few things I believe need to be implemented in order to calm the current atmosphere of the world and start to bring our Doomsday Clock downward by seconds at a time.

1.) Take away or police the American Presidents Twitter.
2.) Listen to what our highly paid and educated scientists are saying.
3.) Keep in mind that no matter what, nukes aren't an option - Not even theoretically.

Now I know, of course, that this won't actually go anywhere, that no one will actually start a true conversation because no one wants to face just how large a problem this is. The people who do are the very people who get ignored in favour of political machinations and potential monetary gain. Still, I dare to dream.

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