Koromo game history (3)

EN: The initial assumptions regarding the game based on lean management issues resulted in the appearance of the basic concepts of the lean concept:

  • Just in time
  • Jidoka
  • Takt Time
  • 5S system
    EN: The game in its early versions included mechanics that reflected these concepts (rules, lean tools).
    PL: Gra w swoich wczesnych wersjach zawierała mechaniki, które odzwierciedlały te pojęcia (zasady, narzędzia lean).
    EN: All these mechanics were eliminated from the final version of the game. They were victims of simplifying the game and the desire to develop simple rules.
    PL: Z wersji finalnej gry wszystkie te mechaniki wyelimonwano. Były one ofiarami upraszczania gry i chęci wypracowania prostych zasad.
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