Introducing Policy of Liberty - Preparing for Liberty

Preparing for Liberty

You are responsible for your own freedom. There can be no other way.

We live in an unfree world where only with great difficulty can one survive as a “stateless person.” The deck is stacked against us from birth. From times of antiquity we are sold in bondage to our liege-lord, the state, and to a large extent we are conscripted to do its bidding.

We pad the pockets of the puppet-masters, “banksters” and other modern-day feudal elites that control the world with their military-industrial complex, corporate media, pseudo-healthcare, public indoctrination centers and Hollywood pundits. We are living amidst the “screwed generation” in what Simon Black aptly termed the “Age of Turmoil.”

If you are among the 1% of the population that will bother reading this article, you already know what I am saying is true and yet, you oftentimes will not act in your own best interests. You have not taken responsibility for your own freedom as you should. You are hardly John Galt or even Hank Rearden. You continue on the treadmill, doing the bidding of what A.J. Nock so vividly called, Our Enemy, the State.

If you do not act soon, your fate could be similar to so many unfortunate, ignorant souls in history. The taskmaster, the “lord paramount,” is rather relentless and cruel. How often have you seen (or read about) the manipulation of the masses in recent centuries, beleaguering them with false information and cosigning them to early deaths? State-exploitation far exceeds that which lackey Marx dreamed up regarding capitalist “oppressors.” We comprise the true proletariat living under state domination.

I am not just talking about the horrendous and brutal admonishment of millions of non-allodiary Chinese and Europeans. At least since the regime of Lincoln, there have been no more gullible cannon fodder than Americans. Now those same poor souls may soon become “boxcar bait” or “raft people,” trying at the last minute (but failing) to escape the consequences of their own irresponsibility, whisked away like so many diamonds and emeralds in a lava flow. Yet there are ways to exit, if we are willing to pay the price.

I am not talking about making a last stand or running to the hills of Tennessee or Arizona to hole up for a couple of decades when “the time” comes. Ruby Ridge and Waco in the 1990s should have informed you about the futility of such action against the cruel ruler, jealous for power. 9/11 should have given you a clue about what a false flag operation can look like - lies and false pretenses for war, the state’s power to undermine rights and law, and the sheer military power that the state possesses to destroy things.

By comparison, you hardly rise to the standard of Kenneth Johns’ famous “Rabble in Arms.” In the eyes of the state, are you more than a worm, or in some exceptional cases an exalted farm animal used for the delight of its owner? You put your nose to the grindstone and can only hope that it will not roll back on you. The master looking down on you could not care less about your demise. You are just another critter in the muck; easily replaced by myriad other worker ants. You might as well realize that you are merely a tasty ingredient in Stalin’s omelet, as far as the rulers of this world are concerned.

There are always a few of us who will at least partially escape if we get savvy fast. We can improve on what many forbearers of liberty have done.

There are many famous examples like Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek and Ayn Rand. But even they failed to achieve what is now possible for us with gold transportation and storage, cryptocurrencies, the widespread legality of dual citizenship, and many new technologies that make frequent travel, better health, efficient living and tax avoidance easier. Harry Browne was right to intimate that he could “find freedom in an unfree world,” but you can do better nowadays than he could have ever dreamed of doing last century.

Join us as we contemplate our enemy, the state, and how to be free from it. We will explore concepts ranging from libertarian and anarchist philosophy to panoramic and perhaps near-utopian solutions like allodialism and free banking. Together, we will become better informed, uncovering what really stands behind world events and modern headlines that are fed to the masses. We will delve into the basic theories of institutionalism, public choice and Austrian economics that help to explain our world. Even more, what we pursue together is ultimately practical, aiming at finding short-term, realistic solutions about how we can take responsibility for our own freedom.

Here will be savored all the new developments in second, third, fourth, etc. passports, cryptocurrency vaults that are beyond the reach of any state and its henchmen in family courts, child services division, tax collectors and bankruptcy judgments. It is about getting rid of bad citizenships and state ties to places like “the land of the free,” finding the best offshore havens for assets, living in the best, safest, most beautiful, places—like Chile!—and networking with others that can help you make a living with fewer fetters.

It is about healthier food and more efficient energy. It is about practicing homeschooling better. It is about informing yourself better and learning how to cope, even how to find access to the modern “Underground Railroad” to facilitate your escape. Above all, it is a place for thinking people to run to, who are willing to exchange the comforts of their own language, fat corporate jobs and the convenience of nearby family and friends in order to be freer—if not completely free.

In short, we will understand and explain the problems we face, and provide guidance to attain greater levels of liberty with a higher standard of living. Sound interesting?

If any of that appeals to you, please join us!

John Cobin, Ph.D.
Escape America Now

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