Kentucky Cop James Buck Kills Unarmed Man, Execution Style! (Detailed Report)


He thinks he's top cop. But at the end of the day, he's just a another #BlueISIS killer. This is officer James Buck...

James murdered Chris McClure in cold blood execution style and instead of getting punished, he got a retirement with honors, as reveled in this a post on the Fulton Police Dept Facebook page...

#BlueISIS steals your freedom, steals your family steals your life. Officer James Buck is a murderer and those who back the blue are the participants in his crime because every office allows it to happen.

Call Fulton Police: (270) 472-3465. They keep hanging up on me, but make them listen. It's crazy. If this happened in Mexico the cop would be immedatly charged for his crime.

Here's the full body cam. It's very disturbing...

Below is is the killer, Officer James Buck...

Officer James Buckingham. Now retired (left and right). Victim Chris McClure (middle)


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