6 year old boy, police commissioner

 13 April 2018 - Staff Reporter :-


The boy with blood cancer, Dudkkala Ishan. Just six years of age, he is counting on the day of death. Before his death, he wanted to become a Police Commissioner. That's what it was said here, finally, his intention is no longer imperfect. For a day, he has been the Rachkandar police commissioner of India's Telangana police commissioner.


On Wednesday (April 04th), the police officers of Telangana stood by the side and helped to fulfill their wishes. Rachkandar police commissioner Mahesh Muralidhar gave a seat for the one day and for the disease.

The picture of the smart look of the second generation student isan police commissioner for a day was spread in the social media. In one of the pictures, the Indian police khaki dress is very tidy and sitting on the desk of the commissioner. Police Commissioner Murlidhar Bhagwat stands beside as a colleague.


Another picture shows, standing police officer honors the smart police officer Ishan.

Rachakanda police on twitter on Ishen said that Kunkanpalli, a six-year-old cancer-infected boy, kidnapped Duddkala Ishan of Medak district. Police commissioner Mahesh Muralidhar came forward with the IPS officers to fulfill his wishes. For one day, he left his seat and made the child a police commissioner.


On the day of being a commissioner for Ishan's day, family members were present with him.

Many people share pictures of the social media. In this, some people greeted the child, 'Wish heroes', 'continue fighting'.

In another tweet, praising the Telangana state police, it is said that it is a commendable initiative of the police connection to the public.

If you want to see more pictures about it-  click here

If you want to Police Commissioner of 6 years old boy  click here

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