Police Sita 67 Tailed Hedgehogs

Aceh Singkil resort police secured 67 Landak animals and SA owners, 36 in West Penanggalan Subdistrict, Subulussalam, Tuesday 16 January 2018.

Aceh Singkil Police Chief AKBP Ian Rizkian Milyardin revealed, arrest based on public information there are residents allegedly maintaining wildlife protected by type of hedgehog (hystrix barcyura) without permission.

"The owner's admission, the hedgehog is for sale to the surrounding community. Infonya hedgehog will be taken away the stone. Currently the police are still doing the examination of where the hedgehog was obtained, "said Kapolres accompanied by Resident Crimes Iptu Agus Riwayanto Diputra.

The alleged initial suspect proven to violate Article 21 paragraph 2 of RI Law no. 5 of 1997, on conservation and human resources, under penalty of five years in prison. Subsequently the hedgehog was handed over to BKSDA Resort Area 11 Aceh Singkil, to be released in the Singkil Swamp Conservation Area.

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