Police brutality--Deal with it, crybabies

Motherfuckers should just be grateful that police give any sort of justification for their actions. They don't have to explain jack shit to you. What are you gonna do? Go use the other police service or get rid of cops altogether? They have a force funded monopoly on protection services free from market competition. They don't like sending each other to their own prisons. It looks bad on the system when a cop goes to his own prison. You understand all that, right?

It's kinda like that time last week when you ordered pizza and the delivery guy shot your dog and beat you up for complaining about it. Because his pizza shop is also a force funded monopoly protected by the system, he'll never spent a day in prison. We understand all this. We are used to it. Fuck, we can't just have a pizza shop on every street corner competing with each other. There would be gang wars and poison pizza! Besides without pizza tax who would pay for pizza? Everyone would starve to death.


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