2 Sit N Go's on America's Card Room

Last night I finally got back into the game of online poker. I deposited $50 into my account on America's Card Room and registered for 2 different Sit N Go's: $3.30 and $5.50. I figured I would play whichever one started first.

As luck would have it, they started within seconds of each other not giving me time to un-register from either. Multi-tabling it is then...

Because of this, my hand history is all messed up in my head and could be from either game.

Both tables were the longer format 10-minute levels and I started with 1,500 in chips on each.

After working my way up to around 1,700, I called a normal early position raise with J/9o. I figured this would be a good bluff catcher or A/X cracker. Flop was 8/10/X rainbow. Not bad. Early position bets a normal amount and I raise. He insta-calls. Interesting, but I usually put this type of reaction into either Rage or Range. Rage because they can't believe I raised them, or Range because they are still good. The turn is a beautiful 7 which completes my straight. He checks and I bet 60% of the pot. He instantly goes all-in. Easy call. He shows 7/10 for an awful early position raise and a turned 2-pair. I'm up to 3,200 and he's out.

The other table didn't got as well. I pretty much stayed around 1,500 for most of the game. I finally got down to around 1,000 and shoved with A/J when the blinds were 100/200. I was called by A/Q (of course). Luckily I spiked a Jack and doubled up. A few hands later I shoved with A/Q and the same guy called with A/K (of course). I again spiked a Queen and took him out completely (I'm sure he HATES me!).

Late in the game I find myself with J/J in middle position. I raise and get 2 callers, one instant. The instant caller rings my Spidey Sense and I assume he's going to shove on any non-scary flops. The flop is Queen high and sure enough, he shoves. I call and he shows 10/10. I get a nice addition to my pile of chips and get down to 3 players with around 5,000.

On both tables I manage to survive to play head's-up. This is nice as I had a lot going against me. On one table I make a straight, the board pairs, we both go all-in and my straight loses to a full-house. Ugh. Ah well!

On the remaining table, I'm not doing as well when I get to heads-up, probably 4,000 chips vs 11,000. I play my best, but I run K/K into Q/9 and he somehow hits his gut-shot straight and I'm out. Ah well!

After not playing at all for several months and non online for longer, I feel like I did really well! I had to rely on luck a little more than I like, but overall I'm still happy with my play.

Key things to my success: Patience! Waiting for the right hand at the right time. With the longer structure, there is plenty of time to play. I think when I was heads-up on both tables we were at 100/200/25 so there was still a TON of time left in the game and we really should have had more players left.

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