Pokemon Legends: My experience playing this beautiful game

I've always been a fan of video games, pokemon was part of my group of games especially for its accessibility, any emulator could run these games produced by nintendo. This world of creatures with powers and abilities has captured the attention of millions of people and I was part of that group that fell in love with this world.

I found this game months ago and it was to play online with 2 friends, Entering this game thinking that I already knew a lot about pokemon, I discovered that I was a rookie and I needed a lot to learn, This game based on all the data created by pokemon, goes Beyond just thinking that ... The fire is strong against the type plants, The type plant is strong against the water type and the type water is stronger against the type fire.

A circle of normal advantages, which by common sense we already had in mind ... but no ... not all pokemon are the same and through these post I will show that you can learn much more from pokemon and be a pokemon master, something that in the games of pokemon like those that could be found for GBA, NDS, N3DS ... Here you had to improve and understand more details


Like all online games, you must create a user to save your data and create your pokemon story that can be recognized by all users. When you create your account you will see that it asks you to choose an initial pokemon to start your adventure in the world of pokemon at a competitive level. You always get memes saying the most difficult choice of your life and put the picture of 3 pokemon charmander bulbasaur squirtle ...

If you think that it is difficult to imagine choosing between much more, several of them who won the love of those who continue to see pokemon or the new generations where they do not know the emotion of a charmander that goes off the tail


If choosing between three is difficult ... here you get 18 options All with their pros and cons.
Many thinking of the "old school" would stay with one of the 3 initials but remember ... the first generations were simple ... For example, Fire, Water and Plant ... but as the generations passed we found more efficient Evolution mixes two types. Example: Fire / Fight (Infernape and Blaziken) Water / Earth, Water / Steel and others that come into your choice ... My favorite we will see later, including the reasons why I chose that pokemon in my experience


We started at this pier, it is rare to start a game of pokemon without a move from home, with your mother, or watching a legendary. All very calm and it is observed to other players that at this moment they are not going to be of importance, all the players begin with a pokemon initial of lvl 5, as well as the games of pokemon has of habit. The game explains what the controls are like, there is a day / night factor (there are evolutions that are only daytime and others at night) but we will focus on what the adventure started ... You enter the pokemon world, and you have to learn the basics, this island will teach you a little about this


In this place you will get the first mission, I must say that I really liked that you were taught to catch a pokemon using a Caterpie example, that little worm was the first pokemon captured by Ash and this gave an informal TBT xD
If it is not the correct expression I apologize but I felt that was watching my past at that moment and it started for me this game in the best way



Pokemon appear on the grass, as in all editions of this game .. but with a difference ... do not get directly into the battle, this allows you to choose whether to fight or not vs the pokemon.
You choose the "Item" option and you choose your pokeball ... at this moment you should have 3 pokeballs that were given to you in order to carry out this mission


When you deliver the mission, you are given a reward of 500 of the currency that was handled in the game and accumulated ... the money here is used for many things, to buy the usual pokemon (potions, revive, pokeball super ball ultra ball) It is useful to buy pokemons that for many reasons you can not obtain in the usual way.


You will arrive in the city, all the names of the locations you are in are shown below on the left. This is called "Bluegum Town" ... Here there are many missions, and we will observe things that will bring back memories, but we will leave everything for a next post

I hope you liked it and if you are encouraged, enter the game and learn together and play together? Do you want a friendly battle? or league? Let's go pokemon

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