Will President Trump be Impeached? Not Likely.


With the Democratic Party about to begin their pursuit of impeachment,

President Trump's potential impeachment will not make it through the Republican- controlled Senate.

The House, which is controlled by the liberal Democraric party will vote on impeachment today, December 18th. The main arguements of the impeachment center around President Trump's misuse of power in foreign relations. Nancy Pelosi has expressed extreme urgency in impeaching the president, as have impassioned speakers in the meeting.

The President will not be impeached. Trump and his legal team will not attend the House meeting today, and this hasty impeachment procession is ridiculous.

Say what you like about Trump, but these trumped up charges will not stand. There are not enough votes in the Senate to prosecute Trump.

The end game will be even more support for Trump. Americans are not buying this unfair trial, and the Deep State with their Media minions are losing ground. Decentralized media will be the winner here.


Picture from Pixabay.


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