8 of 100

From (1 of 100):

I'm going to try to challenge myself, and this is the very first one. I am going to try to write 100 Poems in 30 days (essentially, I'm trying to pay for a Birthday Gift for my wife and this is how I want to pay for it). Anyway 100 Poems in 30 Days... should be something to see. I just hope I can come through with good poetry that people enjoy.

Here you can see 7 of 100.

Now to the 8th in this series... let's make some money so I can buy her an even better gift!!



a word that is meaningless to me now,
for the Master tells me my name is flimsy and worthless...
the name is now Violet,
for eyes that are downcast
and sentenced to be so at all moments unless asked.

Violet answers the call of its Master,
the tug of the leash or the snap of the fingers...
to understand Violet is to understand true submission
as a willingness to obey
out of a deeper love.

Moments are eternity when off the leash,
reality a conundrum of words and colors that try to break me...
Violet is free upon the leash,
Violet serves when on the leash,
Violet loves being on the leash.

Master wants.

Violet lives to serve.

Master must discipline to show he loves,
and Violet understands...
Violet is as the Master wants,
Master owns the Violet heart.

Good Master,
treating Violet with such deep respect...
Violet even can curl up at Master's feet to watch TV.

Violet loves Master.

Master loves Violet.

Love is different for many,
and many would not understand,
but Violet and Master understand the dichotomy quite well...
there is always safety for the Master and Violet.

Violet breathes to satisfy Master's needs and wants,
and nothing is expected in return...
Master sometimes feels bad,
but Violet understands and nuzzles close.

Master buys gifts for Violet when Violet is good,
but Violet does not need gifts
as Master is the gift enough...
Master enjoys giving,
so Violet enjoys receiving.

Violet and Master,
long shall this happiness last
Violet hopes.

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