21 of 100

From (1 of 100):

I'm going to try to challenge myself, and this is the very first one. I am going to try to write 100 Poems in 30 days (essentially, I'm trying to pay for a Birthday Gift for my wife and this is how I want to pay for it). Anyway 100 Poems in 30 Days... should be something to see. I just hope I can come through with good poetry that people enjoy.

Here you can see 20 of 100.

Now to the 21st in this series... let's make some money so I can buy her an even better gift!!


Titan's Chains

Djinn Giant flailing falls,
the Wyrm of Winter's Hell...
thus do I tell thee a tale of old,
of the Ancients in Ky'ren Zee.
Low and under,
free, sunders the Rifting Spin...
again do the senses fend off the dances of sword and lance and hammer,
a waltz of a thousand dead.
Spurious down the footman's road,
the cobbled stone and latent path reveals...
a dense mist hangs loose upon the troupe,
a circus of Goblins and hangers-on,
while the sea-salt brine clings to the very air.

"Stifle a yawn,
young traveler spawn",
a gurgling voice calls out.
A steel-backed gauntlet,
shuddering as it strikes a sympathetic blow across a mouth full of teeth.
Blood-spray wet and warm,
the furnace of Hell.

"Yes, m'Lord,"
a hesitant response does return,
meek and mired in strangest fires
the chain-holder drags to the sand.
Holds up the line of traipsing wilders,
Goblins creaking and groaning against bone-on-bone chain...
steel sizzles against fighting rage.

The great Titan's Chains hold desperate and tight,
churning the stirring dirt beneath...
Hands grip and strain,
muscles taut and snapping,
sapping strength against burning casting
the spell-mate sounds the horn.

"Flee!!! Flee!!!" a shrieking scream.

A foot stomps down about,
curling and twisting the death shroud clouds around the puddle,
a bloody puddle and guts and brains and gore...
warm and red.

Djinn Giant flailing rips,
chains and Goblins whipped into the skies...
a failed attempt once more is laughed off,
the metal collected again
as trophies to the Victor.

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