17 of 100

From (1 of 100):

I'm going to try to challenge myself, and this is the very first one. I am going to try to write 100 Poems in 30 days (essentially, I'm trying to pay for a Birthday Gift for my wife and this is how I want to pay for it). Anyway 100 Poems in 30 Days... should be something to see. I just hope I can come through with good poetry that people enjoy.

Here you can see 16 of 100.

Now to the 17th in this series... let's make some money so I can buy her an even better gift!!


Phoenix Raze

Fires of ill-abandon
fall free of fiery wings...
so subtle the lights of Heaven
as they are slowly driven to flight.
A Hero's challenge
smooth and coarse,
melted iron wire and fade
to sire the young flames of Hell...
tells a gyrating story
that twists and turns
down listless lanes.
Soar free from failure
as the winsome wight
spins against a gallant tide
of latent power and spell-bound night...
nigh the flightless bounty
counting down a murder of crows
through fleeting fissures in time.
Flames fanned hissing
and licking,
a torrent of furious contrition
as bricks and mortar crumble away...
dust-to-dust and ashes gray,
the powder fine as winter snow.
The heat so hot
that the air crisps and collects
in pockets of pure time,
the wavering aurora just a shimmering sheet of orange-and-red...
a flash of siphoned energy
crashes against the warp of time
and falls leaving ash as the last remains.
Glass beneath,
a crystalline sheen of silvereen
as smooth and hard as the fiery stream...
the Phoenix rises skyward once again.

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