14 of 100

From (1 of 100):

I'm going to try to challenge myself, and this is the very first one. I am going to try to write 100 Poems in 30 days (essentially, I'm trying to pay for a Birthday Gift for my wife and this is how I want to pay for it). Anyway 100 Poems in 30 Days... should be something to see. I just hope I can come through with good poetry that people enjoy.

Here you can see 13 of 100.

Now to the 14th in this series... let's make some money so I can buy her an even better gift!!


Peach Rose

Torrents of rain,
spring a fleeting memory of the past...
nigh to Winter's edge,
the cool touch of Autumn's deep beyond,
a loosestrife falls
and calls the winsome wake
of distant recollections
as I walk the lonely road.

Here my heels click heavy
on a cobbled street,
low mist damp and chill upon my flesh...
a silent moon hanging low,
glows a dull and hazy white
beneath a gauzy shroud,
a hair's-breadth above the canopy of Elm.

So it is that I am alone and strolling,
peacefully extolling within my mind the shifting virtues...
I in a velvet meadow,
verdant and lush against the cooling frost,
seated with legs akimbo
playing silent games of limbo in the center of my brain.

Here lies the treason of truth,
as Peach-dipped petals honey-coated with shining dew...
the lone rose rising tall with serenity,
its slender stem subtly curved,
the beauty a last remnant of past pride and dignity.

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