12 of 100

From (1 of 100):

I'm going to try to challenge myself, and this is the very first one. I am going to try to write 100 Poems in 30 days (essentially, I'm trying to pay for a Birthday Gift for my wife and this is how I want to pay for it). Anyway 100 Poems in 30 Days... should be something to see. I just hope I can come through with good poetry that people enjoy.

Here you can see 11 of 100.

Now to the 12th in this series... let's make some money so I can buy her an even better gift!!


Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?

"Why did it have to be snakes?"
questioned the good Dr. Jones,
the pit beneath him dark and twisting with movement below...
heads tilted,
fangs dripping
and tongue flicking
while swiveling left-to-right.

His fingers slipping,
eyes widen like saucers or moons...
why of all things did it have to be snakes?
Because snakes are cool.

Cold-blooded in fact,
the serpent is the twisting symbol of movement...
the slender length of scaled skin taut and turned,
s-shaped curves,
night-dark flesh,
Because snakes are your worst fear.

Hat tipped,
fingers gripped,
tight in notched-out holes...
Hence we have known the poisonous pain of fear.

the slip of the whip to the tilting roof of the cave...
the sound in the distance of natives,
darts spinning out,
nips an ankle and he drops.

The crack of bones,
the light goes out...
"Why did it have to be snakes?"
he asks as he is covered.

Then the ceiling caves in...
the snakes are harmless,
the ceiling not so much.

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