Poetry Dice Entry- "The bridge near the pyramids"

The vast darkness of her heart, stretched far.
She felt empty and incomplete, her search to fill the void, leaving her bruised and vulnerable.

Until, one day her heart led her to a bridge, where she was determined, to cross over- to a new world.
A world, where she didn't feel like an Alien, where she was seen and understood.
Perhaps, she would find him there, the one she knew was the missing piece in the puzzle of her existence.

As she stood, looking down the bridge, she imagined to be a fish in the water below, swimming freely, towards a vast ocean of endless possibilities.

That's when she noticed the torch light, directed at her and felt the soft touch of a strangers hand on her shoulder.
She saw the question mark, in his eyes- noticed his confusion, about what she planned on doing.

She looked into his deep blue eyes, and the dark room of her Being seemed brighter all of a sudden, like somebody had switched on a light bulb.

She knew that this man, was her magnifying glass to help her investigate and heal her hearts sorrow6984402-romantic-couple-bridge-sunset-art.jpg.
A current of electricity passed between them both.

She walked slowly towards him, noticing the foot prints her bare feet left in the dirt.
No words could ever describe the passing moment.

He too, was looking for his soul mate.

A smile curled around his lips, as he thought about the old lady at last weeks fair, who told him that he would meet her "at the pyramids".

He had, thought about booking the tickets to Egypt, to find the person that could help him to become complete.
Now as he held her hand he noticed, the playground along the shore, below the bridge.

A big climbing structure made of red rope, caught his eye- as it was in the shape of a pyramid.

His eyes filled with tears and as they held each other tightly, they both knew, that they were blessed to be bestowed upon the experience of a deep connection, that has started many life times ago.dice challenge.jpg

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