PDC3K24:Balancing both worlds.

The questions are upside down, so don't go looking too closely.
A wave comes for a strong surf, so learn how to hold on with
loose hands and firm feet, for the water is how we carry the
message to generations later. The present can see how false
justice has a sideways balance.

The quartz in hand assists in magic coming forth, yet stuck
in a trance, can the feeble still imagine when tied to a lie?

There is a bastion where poets are watched from, ensuring that
growth is had. Fairies prance around and riddle to ask for
what is had. They leave no footsteps yet their giggles are
most memorable. Dancing in the wind like leaves in gust,

they refrain from housing and love tree instead of stone.

The moon is intuitional guidance and gravity even listens
to where she is. Every direction is needed, the East for change
and the bear for hibernation.

For @robyneggs PDC3K Week 24 Challenge - Balance!

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