Steemit Poetry Contest #16 + Winners of #15!

DISCLAIMER - Yes, I know that the Steemit logo has changed, but I like the old one more and do not want to change it :)


My Greetings To You!

The theme for Steemit Poetry Contest #16 - Imagination

About Prizes:

First Place - 6 SBD

Second Place - 5 SBD

Third Place - 4 SBD

Fourth Place - 3 SBD

Fifth Place - 2 SBD

Sixth Place - 1 SBD

Entries will be accepted within five days from the date of publication of an announcement!

Deadline - February 23 1:00 PM UTC

The winners of the Steemit Poetry Contest #15

1st Place - "Nocturnal Overload" by @nicholas83 @

The junkie shot up one night and ODed and died.

The Narcan used did not work for

it was not exactly from an opioid high.

Yes, he shot up that night and could not write.

Aloud he cried when the words came not

and clutched and banged and beat his heart.

But the bellows did not the rush obscure,

and reality hit when he hit the floor.

He knew not the I that was he, and forgot what he did want to be,

so he searched for comfort where eyes never could see,

to search behind the shadows great,

the elusive thing, nocturnal bliss.

2nd Place - "Long Night" by @isteemithard

The light was bright but has since passed,

now stars above twinkle, some shoot by fast.

Large and white, the moon sits high,

black and blue hues fill the sky,

Out come fireflies, bats, and even a bandicoot,

mice and rabbits run, an owl gives a hoot.

Nocturnal is the name,

survival is the game.

Whats here today maybe gone tomorrow,

except for the wind that blows through Chicago.

They say when darkness comes just wait, soon light will follow,

well lets just say those 'they' have never been to Barrow.

3rd Place - "A NIGHT" by @divineinyang

A night will bare her darkened skin,

Free of fear, or shame of sin.

A night will shine her darkened light,

And in her dome all dreams take flight...

A night will sing a song of sorrow,

And peace will sink in sunken hollows.

A night will shush the noise of day,

And with her charm, shall sentience sway...

A night will call the heat of love,

And splash a passion on the skies above.

A night will dry, a night will rain,

And night, shall forever night remain...

4th Place - "A Knight At Night" by @chrisroberts

I met a knight one night as I was walking through the park,

Perched atop a shining, stately steed.

The knight he said, "The path ahead is swallowed by the dark,

So stick with me and follow where I lead."

The night said "Fear me, tremble boy, you should be home in bed."

The knight said "Stay behind my flaming lance,"

The night said "Turn back now, you fool, my darkness soon shall spread,"

The knight just said "Take courage and a chance."

We pressed on through the dark, and though I didn't know the way,

The knight protected me with light and song.

Fight the night, or else it might your resolution sway;

To give up and go home is more than wrong.

5th Place - "Return Me To The Night" by @calluna

Immerse me in the darkness

Let the night claim me as her own

In this shifting moonlit

I don’t have to be alone

Lay me on the moorland

Where the peat and night are one

Let me fade into the darkness

Until all that was is gone

Let me watch the stars swirl

Through clouds drifting by

Set me free in the night time

Beneath the dew dripped sky

6th Place - "Night in Daylight's Cloak" by @lymmerik

As night is always somewhere upon our spinning globe,

It’s shadows somehow darken our planet’s spinning strobe.

When stars appear up in the sky away from daylight’s robe,

Then dreams will fill our sleep tonight within our frontal lobe.

Awake we are in daylight to seek our fame and hope,

It’s sad to say that sometimes we fail in fear and scope.

When day is done we rest our head with twilight to elope,

It’s just some simple shuteye so tomorrow we may cope.

The night is here upon us and we are barely woke,

We spend our nights in slumber to carry daylight’s yoke.

Near half our life is sleeping for which the night has spoke,

The rest of life is reaching for night in daylight’s cloak.

Rules of The Contest!

  • Only one entry is allowed.

  • Your entry-post must be tagged both #poetry and #poetrycontest

  • The Title must be "SteemitPoetryContest #(with the number of the actual episode)" + the name of your poem.

  • You can use any types of rhyme - End rhyme, Cross rhyme, Internal etc.

  • The size of the poem - three quatrains (one quatrain = four lines).

  • Do not steal! The contest is only original works!

I wish everyone good luck and creativity!

Let's make STEEMIT more interesting and varied together!

Sincerely, Terry Craft.

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