Steemit Poetry Contest #15 + Winners of #14!

DISCLAIMER - Yes, I know that the Steemit logo has changed, but I like the old one more and do not want to change it :)


My Greetings To You!

I apologize, but I forced to reduce the number of prizes... the circumstances...

The theme for Steemit Poetry Contest #15 - Night

About Prizes:

First Place - 6 SBD

Second Place - 5 SBD

Third Place - 4 SBD

Fourth Place - 3 SBD

Fifth Place - 2 SBD

Sixth Place - 1 SBD

Entries will be accepted within five days from the date of publication of an announcement!

Deadline - February 16 3:30 PM UTC

The winners of the Steemit Poetry Contest #14

1st Place - "Three to's, three too's, or three two's?" by @Lymmerik

Our words are conflicting, when spoken or written,

A study in depth you will find.

There’s to, and too, and two; this, of course, is your clue,

So be wise and keep this in mind.

When speaking this sentence, it just can’t be written,

So don’t even bother to try.

And with pencil to paper; you’ll use your eraser,

This is how words go awry.

It’s just how they sound, when not written down,

Which one do you actually use?

You can’t write this sentence, you’ll find it a menace,

Three to’s, three too’s, or three two’s?

2nd Place - "Pirate Words" by @isteemithard

All hands hoy, heave ho or shark bait for the sea,

swashbuckling seadogs, blow the man down, an eye for an eye.

Avast ye now batten down the hatches, there's land we see,

feed the fish of Davy Jones' locker, walk the plank, aye aye.

Hornswagglers get a hempen halter ye hear,

so we pillaged pieces of eight until the conch shell blew.

Blimey lad, cleave a buccaneer to the brisket with this cutlass here,

no privateers nor scallywag landlubbers, just old salt sailing the blue.

Up in the crow's nest, the lookout keeps sight for low tide,

strung high from the mizzen, a black flag of Jolly Roger held tight by knot.

Run a rig, run a shot across the bow, keelhaul ropes tied,

bring a spring upon'er, the shallows we go not.

3rd Place - "Where Words Go To Die" by @chrisroberts

Across the sea of doubt, beyond the hills of mystery,

There is a place where old words go to die.

"Misconstrued, misunderstood and mystified are we,"

Say words long past, "We cannot tell a lie."

The time has been when stroke of pen could lift a million souls,

But so much goes unwritten now by choice,

Their time is gone, and words move on; the parchments, papers, scrolls

Have vanished, and now silenced is their voice.

Longing for a renaissance, renewal of the word;

The ones who seek the truth will always try

To stop the censors' silly game, the madness they've inferred.

Let words live on in peace and never die.

4th Place - "The Strangest Thing" by @brokemancode

Words are utterly complicated

"Dip" and "deep" sounds the same but are not related

Why does "q" always needs the letter "u"?

Why "big" and "huge" are similar but different too?

There are words that are short like "I" or "a"

Or as long as the word "onomatopoeia"

Tired of hearing the word "love" being said?

You can try hundreds of other languages instead.

Words are such strange things

But are also powerful just as a supreme being

For without it there are no songs,story and poetry

These letters mean nothing and you cannot understand me.

5th Place - "The Signified and the Signifiers" by @ecoinstant

They say that pen is mightier than sword,

when used to resonate with brain wave chords.

And I hope you'll not think me too unt'ward

for considering each and every word.

Using words properly, our mental test,

Understanding symbols is of int'rest.

Our words signify reality's depth;

defining concepts is a mystic quest.

Light philosophy that floats on the breeze

or heavy leather tomes filled with treatise,

since the ancient times of wise Socrates

words have been used to bring men to their knees.

6th Place - "Word Cloud" by @danmaruschak

“How's it going?” you ask in greeting.

“How are you?” said with a smile.

You ask these questions without meaning

To dredge up what is deep inside.

Fine! Good! Doing great!

That's what I'm supposed to say.

You didn't send your words with weight

Just noises made in cheerful ways.

But asking questions makes me think

My real answer: scraping by.

But I'll suck it up and follow the script

While wishing you had just said “Hi.”

7th Place - "Words" by @diebitch

Lost in thought when I can’t speak

Strung in lines to make me strong

They lose their way if I don’t weigh

and fail me if I am wrong.

The music, to which my heart beats

Paints a picturesque swan song

My love forever, binds on sheets

Remembering me, when I’m gone

Lovingly Crafted

Rhythmically stirred

What’s the magic?


8th Place - "Inaccurate" by @bennettitalia

Slippery fish in an ocean of sound

Little ones, big ones, floating around

Some scream, some whisper, one sings like a lark

Here's a drab one, a fancy one, a glow-in-the-dark

Here's one: you have to experience to get it

Another's ineffable (don't try to eff it)

One says different things to different people

Another sounds good but is actually evil...

I did find the right one, but it slipped away

Leaving me grasping at straws all day

So here's a replacement that doesn't quite fit

The meaning I needed: "inaccurate"

Rules of The Contest!

  • Only one entry is allowed.

  • Your entry-post must be tagged both #poetry and #poetrycontest

  • The Title must be "SteemitPoetryContest #(with the number of the actual episode)" + the name of your poem.

  • You can use any types of rhyme - End rhyme, Cross rhyme, Internal etc.

  • The size of the poem - three quatrains (one quatrain = four lines).

  • Do not steal! The contest is only original works!

I wish everyone good luck and creativity!

Let's make STEEMIT more interesting and varied together!

Sincerely, Terry Craft.

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