They call it St Valentine's
24 hours of immense display of affection
And proving to your loved ones,
That you are the galaxy, and they are your world

So we dress up in shades of red and white
Joining the fare of glamour and flair
Atm cards at the go
Or pockets filled with 'ego'
A pool reservation for five and dinner for two;
Surprise gifts arriving in the morning not to talk of social media's show off;
No effort is too much;
It is afterall, a day for love.

Romantic walks, hands entwined, shoulders rubbing intense gazing into the other's eyes;
Willing the night to remain forever young;
And then it progresses to sweet, passionate lips tango ending with rumpled sheets;
It is afterall, a day for love.

Longings and loads of skyping for lovers at world's ends;
Fervent reassurance, vows of love;
Wishes, contemplating being ridden like horses;
To the ones, they call home.
But it's just for twenty-hours after all;
And the switch goes off once the clock strikes dawn;
Then it be just another day, gone and marked;
Onto the next.

However love hath no season, it be not a switch to put on and put out, like a bulb;
But like the stars, ever present through the ages more in dark times than in bright times;
Enormous, shining, encompassing;
Timeless, patient, Overstepping boundaries, breaking norms.
So Alas! let the kisses continue, let the wining and dining never cease;
The gifts, unending, and the promises, resounding
Daily, vows renewing;
For love hath no season, it is timeless, boundless, matchless;
Standing tall through tests, defying calendars.

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