My Ever Cherished Yellow Rose: Original Poetry by @yellowmajesty


Photo from Pixabay

You are the sole yellow rose that I see,
In the amidst of this wicked and vexatious wilderness,
You've captured my heart,
With your bright, delightful and auspicious hue,
My eyes are affix to your alluring nature,
And a picture of you I keep dearly in my heart.

I walk into the hellacious pathway,
The pathway that draw stripes on me,
I did try to endure all throe and grief,
'Cause after this endeavor,
You'll fill me with beautitude and love,
And my triumph I will lavish upon you as I hold you in my arms.

Now I have succeeded and hold firm grip on you,
All aches been covered up with my overwhelmed soul,
Your thorns I've eliminated and put end to your excruciation,
I hold you so close to me and keep you safe in my chest,
I will never let you go and I'll bathe you with my love,
We will conquer the world together, forever 'til eternity.

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