Poem / Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

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Y esterday is gone and past
E very moment we misspent will never come back
S econds of wasted
T ime can't be reclaimed from the past
E very single word you've said
R everberates in the victims head
D ay
A fter day they will remember
Y our words are knives in their forever

T oday is when you can improve
O n all the things you used to do
D oing everything you can to change
A ny flaws that haunt
Y ou from yesterday

T omorrow is the future. The
O utcome is uncertain
M oreover it is unpredictable
O nly if we did the best to
R epent of our wrong doings can we
R eceive forgiveness that is needed
O r suffer the consequences
W hen all is said and done yesterday can't be changed and tomorrow is determined by today

By Ethan

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