Poem / Why does music touch the Soul?

Why does music touch the Soul?

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Why does music touch the soul?
Why when we listen do we feel so full?
How is it able to make us feel?
When the sound is unseen but feels so real?

Listening to the sounds of silence
Is deadly, fatal and violent
Music combats our heart ache
And reverberates with in our skull plates

Music is the cure to all emotional fatigue
Music is infectious like a disease
It spreads across the earth
Recreates minds and gives them a rebirth

Music is life
It gives us a break from current strife
It inspires nations
It brings messages of sanity and salvation

Never forget where there's music there is love
It will be made forever as the peaceful white dove

By Ethan

Only when you've found the music, can you be converted, refined and reborn.

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