Poem / Stupid Me

Stupid me

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I think I've messed up
We got so close and then December started
The few embers I was able light between us
Were blown out in November's dusk

The common ground we both had was split in two
When I left for a vacation not being able to stay in contact with you
The only time we'd speak was when I was feeling weak
I told you about all my problems wich lead to you trying to solve 'em

Another girl walked into my life
And walked out baring a blood stained knife
I wish I hadn't let her in
It just complicated things between us

There was never anything to start
But you held a special place in my heart
I want to rekindle the flames
And light up your hearth again
Stupid little me
Just wishes you'd be wrapped up under my Christmas tree

By Ethan

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! If you did and want to hear more you can follow me here (~) <(~<)

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