Poem of the day 6: Visualize

I wrote this in August of 2002 for a friend who needed some encouragement and at the time I was starting to go to this friend's church, so it seemed appropriate to write.


Visualize in your mind,
Even for a few moments,
What success would look like to you.
See yourself somewhere in the vision
As content and happy.
You can achieve whatever you want
As long as you have faith
And you believe that you deserve
What God intended for you.
Visualize what it is that you want,
Then work toward it;
Take one step at a time each day.
Half the battle is won
If you just keep that vision
Firmly planted in your life.
The rest is in the hands of God.

By Thressa Dunn
Date: August 25, 2002

I also keep this in mind when I am working on new things in life. I keep in mind all the wonderful and exciting things I want to accomplish like getting a home together with my wife, having a lot of acreage for our animals to roam, and a nice secluded spot for me to do my writing and dreaming. I keep these visions in my mind in order for them to come to fruition.

Hope y'all enjoy and please remember to leave me your thoughts and comments. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

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