Poem of the day 5: For My Son

This was written for my son when he was 4 yrs old and he is almost 20 and graduating next month. He has grown to be a fine young man with many hopes and dreams and as his Mom I hope he can fulfill them all.

For my son, James

You are my one and only.
If I ever lost you, I would
be beside myself with grief,
though I know it would only be brief.
You are my world, my anchor in a storm
and I know that your love keeps me warm.
You will always be my baby even
when you are a grown
And doing things on your own.
My life is complete now that I
have you,
I will love you from here to Timbuktu.
You bring joy and happiness to me
for you see,
My son, the love you give,
I will always cherish---
You are my “little tiger” and
I hope you grow to be wiser than I.
Since the day you were born and
I looked into you eyes,
I knew I was looking at a very special person.
Now, as each day passes, you are looking
more and more like
Your great-grandfather, whom you never got to really know.
My son, I hope and pray everyday that
you grow up to be as sweet and gentle as
Your great-grandfather was.
And when the day comes when you are on
your own,
Always remember that you are not alone,
I am always there in your heart.
I love you with everything that I am and
will always think of you as my baby.

By: Thressa M. Dunn
Date: December 20, 2002

My son is a miracle considering how he was conceived and the man who raped me doesn't consider my son his even though evidence says otherwise. My son wants to know who the man is that got his mom pregnant, but I dont have any information to give him but a first and last name. This man's family wants nothing to do with my son and it is heartbreaking to know that my child wants to know who his "father' is but there is not much I can tell him.

I love my son dearly and only wish for him the best in life. I raised my son on my own, while going to college and working 2 jobs just to make sure he had what he needed cause I couldn't count on the child support from his "sperm donor," till he was 12 when I met Erin in January of 2011. My son then turned 13, I graduated from college, and got married to Erin all in May of 2011. That was a special time for all of us, when we became a family.

There are many great qualities about my son (I know I may be a little bias, but hey I am his mom) and I think he will go far in life. I know, the below pic is of my son being silly, but that is what I love about him.


The below picture is of my grandfather, my son and I. My grandmother tells me each time she sees him, he looks more and more like my grandfather and I agree. The only differences are that my grandfather was full-blooded Italian with the dark skin and hair while my son is light skin and dark brown hair and they both have blue eyes. The photo of my grandfather was taken during his 25th wedding anniversary to my grandmother.

My Grandpa Rudy, my son James and me.jpg

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