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Met at a distance
Love in the air
Seeking eye sight
Avoiding meeting stares
Unknown feelings

Her smiles and blushes at his opening speech
Expressing his feeling at heart length
Demand meets supply
Equilibrium point

Change in demand
Conflicting wants
Enticing lost

Demand increases
When love drives into lost
Handshake replaces tight hugs
Long kisses of once a tiny peck
Emotions skyrocketing to hot romance

Prices increases
The beating mind of hiding in darkness
To quest for higher satisfication
That that create quiet noises for secrete pleasures
Supply increases
Higher utility

Satisfied and tired of it taste
Lost feelings
A rank from pleasure to arguments
Leaving the dark
Her future talks,
Better relationship, moral suasion, nagging complains
'Where is this leading?'
His present talks,
Present quest for pleasure
'Let's do what we've gotta do'
Fighting and conflicting hearts
Demand decreases
Gradually avoiding the darkness completely
Price fall

Supply decreases
The producer and consumer lost it
Tired benefit
Dead relationship

His next action
Divesting to invest for higher profit
Planning on to the next commodity
Having to make decisions on past experience
Drawn to memories of meeting stares
Captured by the feeling that sprung in the air
That that spring from within
Struggling to let go
Love pierced again
Calling for another chance
Trying to making it work
Testing full capacity

Demand increases
The whole process begin again
Going through the phases of dynamic equilibrium
Too and fro in love time path
Through denial of dependence
To treasuring their presence
Until the equilibrium point is reached
When contrasting terms find their balances

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