
This community is in darkness
Citizens in cave dwelling, pitch darkness.
Never see light.
Move around by feeling around.
Never see colours, shapes, sizes.
Only ideas of what things are
Never what they actually are
They live in reality
Never in actuality.

One day, one fateful day,
The stubborn, adventurous, rebellious, daring, young lad
Wanders far away from cave centre
Where all man eyes fear to go.
He keeps going
Stubborn to the finish,
To see what exists at the end of anything
Little knowing it’s the end of the beginning.


Slowly but surely he sees an opening,
He crawls out of the cave and behold!

For the first time since cave dwelling
There’s never been any wander out.
His jaw drops in awe of light and sight:
Nnature’s beauty around him far flung,
Stands appealingly naked,
Colours of inestimable splendor penetrate his being,
Variegated structure of existence rests itself bare at his feet,
Indescribable shapes and sizes seize his eyes.


Shocked and awed, excited yet beleaguered,
He speeds back to the cave,
Screaming to his fellow cave men:
‘Come, come, come see light,
Come see beauty,
Come see life…’

In the quickness for his message, incoherence the result
But alas!
Everyone gathers around him,
Pityingly wondering how dementia overtakes such an erstwhile brilliant mind!
‘What a shame, the boy’s gone raving mad’, they reason.
He is berserk with wild excitement for the darkness is enormous.
Instant, there’s a meeting, a caucaus.
Decision: the brilliant, excited, mad boy needs help
Lest he afflicts other young lads.

In one fell swoop,
They swarm upon him,
Seize him,
Bind him in chains,
And gag him.

Gradually the dwellers depart cave centre,
Wondering how a brilliant young mind could suddenly run mad.

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