Another Me (Poem) Bilingual

Good afternoon, guys!

Today, I want to share a poem that is very personal. I think that is the product of my own reflexion. I hope you like it.

As always, your comments are welcomed!

P.S: at the end of the poem you'll find the Spanish version.

Another Me

You and I are equals,
living in the same world,
having the same problems,
planning the same life.

But our minds are separated;
they are two worlds apart.
Both, laying on the same bed,

Different of course,
but no one has to know,
no one needs to know,
that we live together.

My mind travels,
to places I like to hide myself.
Emotions no one knows,
feelings I have.

Only you,
Know me.
Only you,
feel me.
Words I’ve never said.
The truth I always hide.

But, what can I say?
Nobody really knows me.
Deep inside,
I am another me.


Mi Otro Yo

Tú y yo somos iguales,
viviendo en el mismo mundo,
teniendo los mismos problemas,
planeando la misma vida

Pero nuestras mentes están separadas;
están a dos mundos de distancia.
Ambos, acostados en la misma cama,

Diferentes por supuesto,
pero nadie tiene que saber,
nadie necesita saber,
que vivimos juntos.

Mi mente viaja,
a lugares donde me gusta esconderme.
Emociones que nadie conoce,
sentimientos que tengo.

Solo tú,
Me conoces.
Sólo tu,
me sientes.
Palabras que nunca dije.
La verdad que siempre escondo.

Pero, ¿qué puedo decir?
Realmente nadie me conoce.
En el fondo,
Soy otro yo.

Thanks for reading!

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