There is God


                                                        You ask me so I'll tell you

                                                                     How I know that there is God

                                                         I have seen a mother give birth

                                                                     So I know that there is God

                                                         I have seen the craters of the Moon

                                                                    Felt the sun at high Noon

                                                         I have heard the chatter of the bees

                                                                    Felt the shadows of the trees

                                                         I have tasted sorrow at its best

                                                                    Watched a bird build its nest

                                                         I have seen a grown man cry

                                                                    So I know there is God.

                                                         You ask me I'll tell you,

                                                                    If there, where is God?

                                                         Feel the thunder in my heart

                                                                    And you'll know that there is God

                                                         Count the falling drops of rain

                                                                    Sample the bitter taste of pain

                                                         The silence of  the twilight hour

                                                                    The ocean at its roaring power

                                                         Sense the rythm that you breathe

                                                                    The emptiness of every need

                                                         Hear the laughter of a child

                                                                    And you'll know that there is God

                                                         You have asked me but enough

                                                                    It is now time that I ask you

                                                         You have felt the beat of the flowing river

                                                                    The spread of joy in a shiver

                                                         You have seen the tears of a Mother

                                                                    Heard the sighs of another

                                                         You too have cried the loss of love

                                                                     Felt the flutter of a dove

                                                         You fear the steps of approaching death

                                                                     And you ask me if there is God?

                                                         That itself is proof to me

                                                                     That, indeed, there is God!

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