Poem | I Lost Her.

I Lost Her.

A Poem by Sebastian Jacobs

She left

Like a heart stolen in theft.

Caught up in a whirlwind 

But it was I, who sinned.

Maybe, it was I, that was lost

But I was selfish, and you were the cost.

All I wished for, was for you to stay

But it's now too late, as you had walked away.

I wish you back to my arms

Please, I meant you no harm

It was I who was wrong

Please come back, you've been gone for so long

Why did I lose you, I ask myself everyday

I wonder about the things, if you were to stay

I love you my forever girl,

And I forever will.

My Inspiration.

I lost a girl I fell madly in love with earlier this year, because I was too focused on my own issues and I had to try find myself, this piece came from the heart as all pieces I write do, and I feel like it was about time, that I share this story with you. See what I did there? I have always loved poetry and stories, and I would watch out for a story coming out soon, it has a lot of my stories in it, told through a character who spends his time on a train, departing to a mysterious location.

This has been Sebastian, and I am signing out !

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