The girl on the beach


I saw the girl
In the golden obscure light
At the confluence of day and night
It felt real and yet so unreal
That I often wonder
If I really had seen the girl that day

She stood by the beach
Facing the weary sea
Her eyes fixed on the horizon
Where the sun was preparing to return to the other world
Announcing the dusk
By calling it a day

The setting sun, the winds rush to chase
Her hair became a haphazard mess
Waves of the cold sea touched her feet
But she remained unraveled by all of these

Nothing away was her impassive visage giving
Not even a single glimpse of emotion was evolving
Her soul has set out on a journey
With the sun to a faraway land
In search of a new world
Where she could miraculously get her smile back
In the forest she would run like a deer all day
With spontaneous birds she would fly
Having no cage that keeps her imprisoned
With the fountain she would sing
And in the rain she would dance
A world without pain

I was enchanted by that lifeless beauty
Unable to move, was just
Standing looking at her
The abandoned daughter of nature

A curtain of darkness started to fall
As the sun drowns at the end of the sea
Her figure was diminishing
Making her invisible slowly
Like a poisonous black serpent
Taking her away to the world of evil magic
A good soul about to corrupt
So that in number, the evil kingdom would rise
I could hear echoes of their victorious laughs
The girl might have heard it too
For she moved as if it was after an eternity
And with a heavy head, she looked up to the stars
As though she has been defeated by the world

With a renewed strength
She took a step back home
Hoping for a brighter tomorrow
And there was nothing again but the beach
And the blackness of the cold night

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