Floating— ((original poetry about astrology))

Drifting driftwood subsumed by the sea,
redirected towards the delta and carried underneath,
every river flows there and meets in between and when waters walk together they guide us into dream

The flow of time is pulling us all together,
gods and goddesses walk the Earth,
slowly realizing the reason for their births as they drift amongst the great firmament searching for the same thing

Altogether now we float in the rivers of the time-space playing out the divine roles,
As we burst forth like the ram,
Carry our burden like the ox,
We all look for ourselves in one another,
Though cancerous if we're not careful,
The lions among us rise and guide,
Purifying us in flame,
Our mission is virtuous and pure,
We are not judges sent here to smash scorpions,
But rather humans sent to bear our own personal snakes
The parts of us that slither in the shadows
The parts of us that speak with forked tongues
The parts of us that bite and inject venom
We are all snake bearers
We can move forward together and know one another and take aim with bows and arrows of flame and destroy the parts of us that cause us to control one another,
We can conquer the greatest heights and the deepest depths together,
We can bear the holy waters of truth and drink the goddesses nectar,
Flowing together in unison alongside each other

So many different streams of time to swim in, so many different waterfalls to find,
So many forces at play in this great divine story of water dancing with time,
Of all the different directions I could be swimming and flowing,
I'm glad it's alongside all of you

-this ones rather old, but still good in my opinion. If you enjoy my poetry or my other writings, follow me at @sageroot!


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