Veil Of Identity...

You can place your eyes upon me,
but cannot see me.
You can listen to my words,
but cannot understand me.

In the silence, beneath the whispers,
you may feel the subtlest of my essence.
Reaching out, you can place your arms around me,
but cannot grasp me.

That worth knowing about me,
cannot be known -
only experience,
as all known is forgotten.

All you think I am is a veil -
a cloak of your own design,
concealing an infinity that lies beyond.
All you perceive me to be,
is but a projection of yourself -
a reflection, keeping hidden
the depths of my soul.

Know yourself,
and you might begin to know me.
Know yourself not -
the depths behind all you've known -
and I, you can never know.

Search for me,
and you will never find.
Unbounded & free,
yet nowhere to hide.
Imperceptible, to the eye -
I will only appear
when the seeker dies.

Listen to the opinions of the world,
and lost, you shall remain.
Though by your side, the guide stays -
following the voice
that speaks no words, nor cannot judge,
you come closer to me.

Taste the sweetness of my core,
without the bitter,
and the only experience you will have known
is of the mind.
Caress my body,
without my spirit being touched by yours,
and the truth of intimacy,
neither of us shall ever hold.

As the lights go out,
clearing the emptiness of space -
inviting its return once again -
the grand illusion is revealed,
bringing clarity to it all...


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