Light In The Dark Night...

I’ve lived in depression & anxiety because I’ve lived out of balance –
Planting seeds that have brought such harvests –
Nurturing self-limiting thoughts with focus –
Stubbornly choosing familiar patterns over uncomfortable change…

I’ve known joy & ease because I’ve allowed myself to live in flow –
       Grateful for the content of the moment –
       Trusting its perfection in the greater context –
       Being no more or less than who I truly am…

I’ve lived in frustration & anger because I’ve lived from the ego –
       Dissatisfied with all the blessings in my life –
       Wanting more & more, ceaselessly craving –
       Overthrown by greed, desire, & selfishness…

I’ve known laughter & delight because I’ve forgotten the mind’s illusions –
       Freely improvising with life’s sets –
       Centered in spirit in the present –
       Letting what is be & be wonderful…

I’ve lived in tension & pain because I’ve lived in ignorance of natural laws –
       Disconnected from truth, investing in falsehoods –
       Claiming independence, choosing isolation –
       Immaturely struggling for misguided values…

I’ve known peace & contentment because its who I am behind the masks –
       In the absence of thought, breathing –
       A part of nature, unfolding –
       Nowhere to go, nothing to do, no one to be…

I’ve made it much harder on myself than need be –
       Intellectually smart, though not always making such smart decisions –
       Knowing the right path, though insisting on walking my own –
       Intuitively guided, though often not listening…

I’ve held myself back –
       Ambition on full throttle, while keeping the brakes locked –
       Going through the motions, while not changing at the core –
       Committed to growth, while narrowly defining how that growth is to occur…

I’ve been my own worst enemy –
       Working against myself to sustain the comfort of routine –
       Distracting myself, spending hours & years counter-productively –
       Hiding from my shadows & fears, living in the illusion of my best’s dominance…

With awareness, comes the power to change –
       Living blind before, choices limited –
       While seeing options now, able to choose differently –
       So where will I go from here?

The decision remains ours to make in each moment –
       Live in the light, or darkness?
       Live by the Truth, or with its concealment/
       Live through spirit, or ego?

written September 2010
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