Forever In The Night...

My soul keeps me up at night...
The day draining my energy with the hustle & bustle of the "normal" world...
In the peace of the midnight hour,
the whisperings of the heart seem louder...
As though long-forgotten -
the feeling undeniable -
a peace eluding me throughout the day -
the absence of the mind's restlessness & frustration,
haunting me during the hours of light -
though in these late hours,
comes a restlessness of its own...

So long, the spirit's voice has gone unheard & ignored...
Perhaps only at the point of breakdown
will the cracks in routine allow in the intuitive guidance
stubbornness has kept at the gates of consciousness...
Perhaps only following the collapse of ego
through our lowest emotional lows,
are we ready to receive the wisdom offered us
by the highest within ourselves -
also the most powerful without...

How forgetful we've been -
playing the ignorant role all to well...
Part of the human condition -
journeying into the extremes of unconsciousness,
while striving to discover all we already know...
In the busyness of everyday life,
the minutes fly by -
looking back and wondering where our lives have went,
living so far off path from our highest true path -
buying into the blinding illusions & all their limitations...

Into such great confusions we've led ourselves,
though the answers remain so clear...
Our problems but a given meaning, a limited perspective,
with empowerment at our fingertips -
the power to create & transform within us all along...

A rude awakening -
realizing we've told ourselves we are
who we are not...
Sleepwalking -
aware we're in a dream, yet powerless to snap out -
until the moment comes
our soul speaks
and we cannot deny...

In the silence, the space -
with the breath,
out goes our distortions,
in with the grace...

"Why must we suffer through our days,
knowing this clarity"?
The incorrect questions...
Now, with the clarity here -
do we choose to advance with this consciousness?

Why the timing - we cannot know...
But trust,
we are spoken to when ready to hear...
In the language of the heart,
the words present themselves...
Transforming us for the better,

8221698E-E679-49B7-BBEB-24E659E99B23.jpeg written June 2010
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