A Million Ways...

A million ways we can see the world -
each one creating a different reality;
our focus guiding into form, the future, past, and present...

A million perspectives from which to perceive the universe - each painting a different view;
our preferences concealing the unknown and unlocking worlds to discover...

An infinite number of ways we can string our words into sentences -
the development of our thoughts & speech
forming the fabric of our reality -
not describing our world, but creating it -
building bridges or walls to new possibility...

What is - subject to our observation - is ours to define:
wrong, or Divine;
whole, or incomplete;
to be celebrated, or dismissed with disdain;
flawed, or perfect;
blessed, or cursed;
limited, or limitless...
What could be - desired or feared - is ours to choose -
the extension of what we define:
closed, or open;
exclusive, or inviting;
possible, or unattainable;
within our capacity, or beyond our means;
worthy, or with fault;
difficult, or inspiring...

From the lens of our minds - expressing through word -
we see our creations;
Transforming our focus
through the shifting of mind,
driven by the choice of changing words -
we create anew...

Perceiving without believing,
the door remains open to alternate realities.
With judgements, possibilities collapse.

Believing without perceiving,
we delude ourselves into the unreal -
create the space for what we believe to be perceived -
Both exist,
until we choose -
giving power to one,
with the exclusion of the other.

With the interchange of words,
mind moves -
giving rise & fall to beliefs,
birth & death to perceptions,
life & limitation to the unknown...

By the choosing of fresh attitudes,
experience changes -
finding ourselves in new spaces to create,
empowering & inspiring to engage in
transforming a world beyond ourselves...

What has been - independent of interpretations -
has been the catalyst for discovering our power of choice:
shaping our views, or giving reason to abandon them;
charging with gratitude, or burdening with emotion;
reinforcing reasons why we can't, or providing incentive to declare we can;
turning us into victims, or liberating us into responsibility;
trapping us into the old, or propelling us into the new...
What is yet to come - near or far - is of our making -
the consequence of how we construct the mind:
expansive, or restricted;
inclusive, or divided;
finite, or timeless;
intimidating, or beautiful;
************, or powerful...

An infinity of stories to compose -
imagination, the access to our aspirations;
inhibition, the barrier to discovery -
Looking back to who we were & what was,
or rewriting our roles & plot -
Remembrance of the past as truth, a disconnection from the now -
Directing as we see, and seeing as we direct;
linking yesterday's dilemmas to tomorrow's victories -
with struggle, or with ease...

A million subtleties of insight, giving distinction & clarity -
each adding depth & breadth to understanding of our world;
power growing through expansion of vision,
piece by piece...

A million frames to mold through language -
each changing what appears before us;
our context allowing, to the degree chosen,
language's capacity to leap from description to inception...

Envisioning, we conceive the words -
Speaking, we see into existence
the views we never had before...

Ina different light,
we see what we could not before;
From a different angle,
potentiality emerges -
beckoning our engagement...

Stepping in,
the unknown becomes known,
the unbelievable, manifest,
the miraculous, ours;
And we see all that has awaited
our claiming all along...


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