A Poem: My Girlfriend (Written for my wife while we were courting)



I remember perusing an old dictionary
For a word we never used in seminary
I wondered what ‘girlfriend’ could mean
Wasn't used in the circles where I’d been

I like how our fathers saw it in those days
Seeing it from their standpoint really pays
A girlfriend’s a close female companion
Someone who's not there for sexual union

Except of course after you've married her
And brandished her to the world like a star
Then, she can also fulfil that purpose
And be even more than you suppose

You're the best female friend I've had
Everyone knows this including my dad
We were obviously crafted for each other
Our graces and callings perfectly fit together

My heart is so at rest with you
The confidence everyday is new
You're Spirit-filled and a true believer
When you pray it's like you unstop a river

All my needs you can more than satisfy
Having you will make any man feel fly
I like the way you play and laugh
I love your blend of sweet and tough

I wanted a woman who loves business
God knew it and didn't give me less
You're the woman of my dreams
A spring of amazing multiple streams

In investment we speak the same language
It's like having the best co-actors on stage
You're hardworking, persistent and diligent
Benevolent, intelligent and excellent

With your skills as a competent manager
My stuff with you faces no danger
You’re the lady I'm so gonna marry
Your burdens with you I so wanna carry

Your ideas inject transformation
The inputs you make bring reformation
I more than enjoy the way you think
So I often save your words with ink

When you advice I pause and listen
Your strategies have helped me win
Every time we chat I get lifted
Mehn, my girlfriend is remarkably gifted

If I had the words of King Solomon
I'd write about you from Isaiah to Philemon
Had Solomon met you he'd have married one more
'Cos you're queen material to your very core

Gorgeous, adorable and beautiful you
Always lush and fresh with Heaven's dew
I wanna place your name on my estate
To lavish my love on you I won't hesitate

You are and will be my virtuous woman
I am and will be your faithful man
Thought of you and I was driven to my pen
Will soon be in town and I'll see you then

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