They Are my Muse

If there ever was inspiration, brilliance, strength, and power all wrapped up as one in human form, these are they. I give thanks for they are all My Muse.
@d-pend, @rusty-jernigan, @violetmed, @robyneggs, @girlbeforemirror, @clayboyn, @tinajordan, @torico, @wandrnrose, @yahialababidi, @carlamain7, @shawnamawna, @lonestarpoet, @amoonnile, @eyedreemit, @inksanity, @girlwithoutwings.
From a distance, I admire them all and I bow in honor of their greatness that I see.

They are my Muse,
Either because they are where I see myself going and aspire to be
Or because they are where I have been and they are on the morning of their journey, yet so brilliantly
They unfold the magnificence of their power, humility, and greatness to the world, like a lotus flower.

They are my Muse,
Because they dare to pick up a pen and write or place their fingers on the keys
And trust that they will be lead to thoughts, words, and worlds and it will all come together
And come forth as a voice that pierces not only the atmosphere but our hearts
And their style is always to dance on life’s edge poetically whether in darkness and despair
Or in a whimsical way with words, they dance as they hear the music in their heads

They are my Muse,
Because in life they move in a free flow drawing those that they know not,
But yet are predestined to meet and be a part of their journey,
where they will help them or receive help,
And there will be those they are meant to just impart power upon, brushing past them with angels wings

My Muse, extraordinary beings whose gifts are well defined as they connect to their electromagnetic frequencies borrowing equally from both polarities to give and give.

Either they draw me closer to their world
And with their words, they say have a listen to a not so nice slice and side of life.

Or they say climb up and stay a moment, I invite you on an adventure
Where we will wonder and play in my dreams and the yonder years
Pacing our steps, experiencing precious moments together and taking time out to relax and just breathe

They are my Muse,
Because they make me sigh, cry and believe
They are angels that guide me
to capitalize and put in parenthesis my intentions for my hopes and dreams
And to use my energy for what matters the most

While making me feel that they see me and with a giving of heartfelt energy
A charisma that rocks my world and turns up my volume to awe and overwhelm

They are my muse,
Because in the midst of my hidden sorrows

They cause me to laugh with joy because I know they care.
And even in their use of words if they are few and even in their silence
Their presence is so radiantly loud bursting with beauty
As they carry on throughout their day and their way of being.

They are my Muse,
Because they dare to share, to care to lift their voice
And because they have shown up in the loneliness of my days
and the waxing and waning of my years,
And just their very presence has crystallized and made diamonds of my tears
Imprinting unconditional love, beauty, and serenity on me.

For these reasons and so much more …..They Are My MUSE.
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