John Donne ! Love Poem 1 , Sweetest Love I Do Not Go

My First poem written by John Donne.

Sweetest love , I do not go
for weariness of thee
Nor in hope the world can show
A fitter love for mee
But since that I
Must dye at last , tis best
To use myself in jest
Thus by fain'd deaths to dye.
Yesternight the sunne went hence
and yet is here today ;
He hath no desire nor sense,
Nor half so short a way;
Then fear nit me
But believe that I shall make
Speedier journeys , since I take
More wings and spurres than hee.

O how feeble is man's power
that if good fortune fall,
cannot add another hour
Nor a lost houre recall!
I hope you will like the poem .
This poem is taken from John Donne's love poems .

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